Only one gunslinger can stop a Mad Dog gone wild... and that's you, partner! When the ruthless outlaw Mad Dog McCree goes on the rampage with a nasty pack of wanted fugitives, they leave death and destruction in their wake.
Mad Dog McCree and his band of cutthroats have ridden into town, kidnapped the Mayor and his daughter, and taken them to their hideout. These hombres are mean and vicious, so what this town needs is a heroic gunslinger to spray a little lead in harm's way! Relive the gunpowder glory of the Wild West with the American Laser Games arcade classic, Mad Dog McCree!
This description was provided by the publisher.
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Mad Dog McCree © 1990 American Laser Games/Her Interactive. Game Video Used Under Exclusive License of Her Interactive. © 2012 Digital Leisure Inc. Programmed for the Nintendo 3DS by Engine Software BV.