Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword

System: Game Boy Color Release date: 01/08/2001

All eyes were on Lara Croft for her big screen debut. Carefully timed to hit store shelves while Angelina Jolie was still raiding tombs on the silver screen, Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword is a polished adventure game published by Activision. In the opening stages, our luscious leading lady gets sliced by a cursed sword while trying to foil a museum robbery. Naturally, this leaves Lara feeling rather unlucky. Her superstitious suspicions are confirmed when she learns that a secret cult in New Orleans is scheming to steal her soul.Thus the adventure begins, and it's up to you to travel the globe and help Lara save her soul. Like the original Tomb Raider GBC game, Curse of the Sword is a beautifully methodical adventure game. Lara Croft herself features dozens of carefully crafted animations. By pressing down then diagonally down and right, for example, Lara will perform a somersault. This Pak isn't a thumb-twitching reflex action game - Ms Croft performs her moves in a very deliberate manner, so you'll have to carefully plan each move before committing (reminiscent of the excellent Prince of Persia games).This unusual -- but perfectly refined -- play control system makes Curse of the Sword feel much more like a puzzle game than an action game. The Tomb Raider spirit is alive and well in the gameplay, as Lara must collect ancient artefacts and solve many key-based puzzles. Even exploration is a satisfying test of dexterity, since you have to carefully plan each physical move and make sure that Lara doesn't topple to her death on one of the game's many vicious traps. Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword is a beautifully animated game that delivers an adventurous experience, and will give Tomb Raider fans and newcomers to the series alike a very wide grin.

This description was provided by the publisher.


Action, Adventure







Game Boy Color


Game Boy Color

Release date
