Long ago and far, far away, the epic struggle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance raged in countless unsung battles. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader for Nintendo GameCube lets you hop in the cockpit alongside Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles to relive some of the Rebel Alliance's finest moments.
Developed by Factor 5 in conjunction with LucasArts, Rogue Squadron II delivers eleven primary missions bursting with beautiful graphics and cutting-edge sound. You'll recognise a few of these missions ripped straight from classic Star Wars scenes, such as Death Star Attack and Battle of Hoth. Other missions, like Raid on Bespin and Vengeance on Kothlis, cover less-famous exploits of the Rebel Alliance which didn't attract as much screen time.
You won't find yourself assigned to any ground-based operations like those found in Battle for Naboo (N64), but you will discover a multitude of air-to-ground and air-to-air combat sequences. Mission objectives include Imperial raids, daring rescue missions, stealth operations and more. Occasionally, you'll experience changing objectives in the middle of missions and be advised to change ships on the fly.
When you begin the game, only two assignments are available: a training mission on Tatooine and the famous Death Star Attack sequence. To open new missions, you must first complete the current mission. By performing well in the 11 primary missions, you can earn Medals and points which unlock bonus missions. Throughout the game, you'll find yourself piloting X-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, Speeders and other slick ships.
Play control is great, and Factor 5 has included some awesome new features which take the game to the next level. One of these features is the ability to give specific commands to your wingmen by pressing different directions on the Control Pad. Tap the C Stick to move the camera around your craft, or press the Y Button to activate a Targeting Computer. This device makes it easier to spot hostile forces, displaying crucial targets as yellow, and non-essential enemies as purple.
In addition to great gameplay, Rogue Squadron II delivers some of the greatest graphics and sound we've ever experienced. It's hard to believe, but the 3D models of fighters and other spaceships in the game are as detailed as Industrial Light and Magic's computer graphic footage for the Special Edition of Star Wars. But on Nintendo GameCube, the rendering is real-time. What took ILM hours to render, Nintendo GameCube does 60 times each second. If a first-generation game can look this good, we can't wait to see what Nintendo GameCube games will be looking like a year or two from now.
When it comes to sound, it gets no better than this. Rogue Leader delivers realistic ear-rattling music and sound effects courtesy of Dolby Laboratories' Pro Logic II sound technology. This is the very first interactive entertainment title to use Dolby Pro Logic II, and it enables gamers to experience fully interactive, uncompressed, real-time five-channel surround sound.
From the small details (like watching Tatooine's twin suns rising and setting) to the overall game design, Star Wars Rogue leader: Rogue Squadron II is super-polished game which you don't want to miss.
This description was provided by the publisher.