Framed scientist travels through time to save his beloved wife and reveal kidnapper's identity. Find hidden objects in the post-apocalyptic world, solve cyberpunk puzzles and embrace the future full of adventures!
Get ready for thrilling sci-fi adventure in the big city, which offers riveting and refreshing approach to the hidden object puzzle adventure genre. "Family Mysteries 2: Echoes of Tomorrow" is an emotional cyberpunkish ride with a hint of romance that takes you straight into not-too-distant future.
When the cybernetically-enhanced time traveler kidnaps your wife, and someone tries to frame you for the crime you didn't commit, the world suddenly turns upside down. It's time to take things into your own hands and prove your mettle. As a resourceful scientist you still have a few aces up your sleeve!
Second part of the Family Mysteries series introduces a post-apocalyptic vision of dystopian future where human race is at the brink of extinction. You'll be dealing with high-tech, mutinous software as well as bunch of challenging riddles and - as usual - exigent hidden object scenes.
Exonerate yourself, discover the secret of the mysterious fugitive from the future, and save your marriage.
The future and the past are in your hands!
This description was provided by the publisher.
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