There are monsters, werewolves, slimy blobs and lots of other hideous creatures out to capture innocent people. They’re attacking your neighbours, your neighbours’ kids, their dogs and anyone else they can find. It is up to you to use any means possible to save the victims before the bad guys get them. You will play the game as one of two brave kids: Zeke or Julie. Both kids utilize the same control scheme and have the same characteristics. If you’re playing the two-player game, each player must pick one or the other. Each player starts with three lives. When your life bar runs out, you lose a life. There are hidden 1-Up bonuses in the game. You may also earn bonus lives if you have enough points and ten victims left when you finish a level. Now, get ready to conquer 48 levels of giant ants, mad scientists, and big babies. Find seven bonus levels (look for the question marks!), earn points and stockpile your water pistols and other weapons!
This description was provided by the publisher.
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