Important information about the discontinuation of the Miiverse service
The Miiverse service has now ended.
SDK Paint takes a unique approach to Wii U artwork creation by stacking five layers onto the artwork canvas. Each layer can be utilised independently.
By combining the artistic modes (Normal Paint, Noisy Paint, Smudge, and Spraycan) numerous filters (Blur, Negate, Lighten, Darken, etc) shaders (Pattern Fill, Flood Fill, Texture, etc) and tools (Gridlines, Stencils, Drag, Swap, etc) the possibilities of what the stylus can paint onto the canvas are near-endless. Oops, a mistake... 10 levels of Undo will help with that! For greater precision, just zoom the canvas!
A large colour palette (with dragging support) lets artists easily choose exactly the colour desired, and a Dropper tool makes identifying previous colours a simple task.
The features don't just end with painting, either! How does the artwork look on a wall? Explore the retro 3D Galleries to see all 18 paintings framed on the walls. Is the artwork ready to show off? Jump into the Sharing area and prepare it for either 2D or anaglyph 3D (special glasses required) screenshots to post to Miiverse.
Show the world your inner artist.
SDK Paint supports 3D viewing by use of anaglyph 3D glasses. While these are not required, they enhance the experience.
This description was provided by the publisher.
What you need to know
This content is sold by Nintendo of Europe SE. The payment will be made with Nintendo eShop funds usable through the Nintendo Account used to complete the purchase.
This content may be purchased by users who have registered a Nintendo Account and accepted the respective legal terms.
The details of this offer apply to users who sign in with a Nintendo Account with the country setting corresponding to the country setting of this website. If the country setting of a Nintendo Account is different, the details of this offer may be adjusted (for example, the price will be displayed in the respective local currency).
After your payment has been processed, the content will be downloaded to the applicable system linked to your Nintendo Account. This system must be updated to the latest system software and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. Depending on the hardware model you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download content from Nintendo eShop. Please visit our Support section for more information.
In the case of games that use cloud streaming technology, a free launcher application or demo can be downloaded.
Please make sure you have enough storage to complete the download.
The Nintendo Account Agreement applies to the purchase of this content.
The use of an unauthorised device or software that enables technical modification of the Nintendo console or software may render this game unplayable.
This product contains technological protection measures.
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