Free demos and games available now on Nintendo 3DS family systems
By connecting to Nintendo eShop, you can find over 100 top games with free demos* available. Just tap on the ‘Demos’ button or type the name of the game into the search bar on the front page of Nintendo eShop, to get started.
Here are some of the demos available now:
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
The Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Special Demo features gameplay that you won’t find anywhere else! During the course of this adventure, you’re likely to encounter a familiar Pokémon that can now Mega Evolve! What’s more, you can bring this Mega-Evolved Pokémon and any reward items you find into the full Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire games! You can even play the Special Demo as many times as you like and special scenarios will occur every day that you play!
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Sample the all-star Nintendo fighting game with five fan-favourite characters to choose from! Mario, Pikachu, Link, Villager and Mega Man are all playable in this demo and, what’s more, you can play against up to three other people using the demo via Local Play. If your friends and family have a Nintendo 3DS family system, this is a great way to play together!
Tomodachi Life
In the Tomodachi Life demo, you can create up to three Mii characters**, set their unique voices and personalities, and get a taste of the gameplay! You’ll be able to give presents like food, clothing and interiors to your Mii characters, and maybe even see them perform at the Concert Hall! If you complete the Tomodachi Life Demo and purchase the full version of Tomodachi Life, you can move all the residents of your newly-founded island into your full version of Tomodachi Life and keep your progress***.
Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique 2 - Fashion Forward
Get a head start on your fashion career with the free* Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique 2 - Fashion Forward demo! Become a fashionista and sample the stylish world of the game for yourself. Explore parts of the city, check out your boutique, and even take part in contests!
nintendogs + cats: Golden Retriever & New Friends
Puppies and kittens are waiting to start a brand new life with you on Nintendo 3DS family systems! Looking after a pet can be a serious commitment however, so why not adopt one on a temporary basis first? With this demo, you can look after your very own Golden Retriever, who lives inside your Nintendo 3DS! Take it for walks, feed it and look after it. You might just become lifelong friends!
Free-to-start games on Nintendo 3DS family systems
Nintendo eShop also features a great range of downloadable games that are free-to-start*! Each title features add-on content or in-game purchases, that can be purchased with Nintendo eShop funds.
Pokémon Rumble World
In this action-packed title, collect more than 700 Toy Pokémon and take them into exciting battles! The Nintendo eShop version is free-to-start with extra content purchased through Poké Diamonds, which can be earned in-game or bought with Nintendo eShop funds.
Stretch and pull blocks to form a path to the goal in the latest game in the critically acclaimed Pullblox series! You can download Fullblox from Nintendo eShop and play the first seven levels for free*. Additional level packs are also available to purchase using Nintendo eShop funds.
An action-packed third-person shooter comes to your Nintendo 3DS family system in IRONFALL Invasion! Try the first mission of an adrenaline-pumping campaign or sample local and online* multiplayer clashes. If you like what you’ve played, you can choose to expand your enjoyment with the IRONFALL Invasion: Campaign or IRONFALL Invasion: Multiplayer modes, available to purchase separately or together as a bundle.
Steel Diver: Sub Wars
Amass a fleet of submarines and take on the world in local or online underwater multiplayer combat in Steel Diver: Sub Wars. In the free version of Steel Diver: Sub Wars, two submarines and two maps are available to try in both local and online* multiplayer modes in epic 4-vs-4 subaquatic warfare.
Nintendo Badge Arcade
You can start collecting badges from your favourite Nintendo series such as Mario Kart, Splatoon and Animal Crossing with Nintendo Badge Arcade, available as a free**** download from Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS family systems. Use your skills on a variety of crane-like badge catchers and use your badges to jazz up your system’s HOME Menu!
New to Nintendo eShop? Find out how to connect here.
*Wireless internet connection required. The registration of Nintendo Network ID and acceptance of the network related terms and privacy policies required.
**Features and locations are limited in the Tomodachi Life Demo compared to the full version of the game, but any Mii characters created can be transferred to the full version.
***The Tomodachi Life Demo can be completed multiple times, however, each time the previous save file will be overwritten. Only the last completed save file can be transferred to the full game.
****Nintendo Badge Arcade is a free download from Nintendo eShop. In-game purchases available. Internet connection required during play.