Inkopolis News & Anarchy Splatcast – A Look Back at the Three Biggest Groups

The Squid Sisters, Off the Hook and Deep Cut – whether they're delivering the deets, hyping Splatfests or performing live concerts, fans of Splatoon 3 will be no stranger to these idol groups. Join us as we look back at the hosts of Inkopolis News and Anarchy Splatcast and bring them all together for the behind-the-scenes scoop!
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[Splatoon] The OG Inkopolis News Hosts: Squid Sisters

Callie (left) and Marie (right)
An idol group formed by two cousins. After debuting with City of Color, they quickly rose to top-idol status when their fourth single, Calamari Inkantation, became a massive hit. Their catchphrase is “stay fresh!”.
Cheerful and upbeat, she plays the comedic foil of the group. She likes being outdoors and is so energetic that she never runs out of steam. After moving on from Inkopolis News, she also made appearances in dramas.
Cool and self-assured, she’s the one with the acerbic wit. She prefers staying indoors and relaxing. She also does a solo radio program called Marie After Midnight.

Youth Folk-Singing Contest Champs
A judge from this event later became their producer. After spending years working on their act in private, they made their debut.

Agents 1 & 2 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon
Both are grandchildren of (former) Captain Cuttlefish and members of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. They protect the world in secret from threats such as the Octarian army.
Agent 1 | Captain (Formerly Agent 3) | Agent 2 | Cuttlefish
Callie the Traitor [Splatoon 2]
[Splatoon 2] The Fresh Faces of Inkopolis News: Off the Hook
A duo formed by Pearl, a confident but abrasive MC, and Marina, the scatterbrained genius DJ. After their recent tour, they’re known all the world over, not just in Inkopolis. Their catchphrase is “don't get cooked – stay off the hook!”.

Pearl (left) and Marina (right)
Her voice is powerful enough to destroy her surroundings when she goes all out. She had a rough time with her voice quality in her solo years, but after meeting Marina, she was able to get it under control. Her family is extremely wealthy – however rich you’re thinking, they’re richer than that.
She was formerly an elite Octoling soldier in Octarian society. She cares deeply for Pearl. A self-admitted huge fan of the Squid Sisters.
Helping the Octoling Agent 8 [Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion]
When Pearl happened to pick up a wireless transceiver, Off the Hook linked up with Agent 8, who was trying to climb from the Deepsea Metro to the surface. The duo guided Agent 8 in escaping.

Another Agent 8 Team Up [Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass – Wave 2: Side Order]
Off the Hook found themselves in a version of Inkopolis Square drained of colour. Alongside Agent 8, they fought their way up the Spire of Order to find the secret at its heart.
[Splatoon 3] Anarchy Splatcast: Deep Cut
A trio of mischievous rascals. Each is the scion of a prominent Splatsville family. They love their homeland, with Frye in particular seeing Inkopolis as bitter rivals. Their catchphrase is “catch ya later!”.

From left: Shiver, Big Man and Frye
Official leader of Deep Cut, as determined in a previous Splatfest. Likes to count money in her spare time.
Though reckless, brash, and prone to fights, she is actually quite soft hearted. She’s the foodie of the group.
Big Man
The good-natured musician behind Deep Cut’s backing tracks. The tips of his fins are dexterous enough to handle both musical instruments and weapons.
Self-Professed Noble Bandits [Splatoon 3]
Their banditry proceeds go toward saving Splatsville from financial hardship. They end up clashing with the New Squidbeak Splatoon in Alterna, which they snuck into to loot it.
Relations with the Other Groups
With the Squid Sisters
Vs Off the Hook
A caster’s duties
Deliver the News
On Inkopolis News and Anarchy Splatcast, these groups deliver news inkfish can use, such as the current modes and stages.
Hyping Splatfests
In Splatfests, where players choose a side on an issue to battle it out, each member of the group reps one team. During the event, they perform live together.
They rock new outfits for special seasonal Splatfests!
Squid Sisters / Off the Hook / Deep Cut
The Great Big Three-Group Summit!

We’ve seen these groups pair up now and then, but this time we’re bringing them all together at once!
Interviewer: Thanks, all of you, for getting together with us today.
Callie: Sure thing! Thanks for having us!
Shiver: We never pass up a chance for an interview.
Pearl: Yeah, all press is good press! Hey, can I get a refill on this soda?
Interviewer: Now, you’ve all sought out opportunities to release songs outside the bounds of your own groups, right?
Callie: Yeah, like Squid Sisters feat. Ian BGM! We should collab again sometime, Big Man.
Marie: Callie, the “Ian BGM” thing is supposed to be a secret.
Callie: It is?! Whoops! They can edit that out.

Big Man: Ay. Ay... (It’s OK. Everyone knows now…)
Frye: I was seriously shook when I first heard Liquid Sunshine. Who knew it was a charity song?
Marie: Callie had the idea that she wanted to do something for the folks in Splatsville who were struggling financially.
Shiver: You should have told us that’s what it was about, Big Man. Why go to the trouble of hiding it?
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (I already said I’m sorry! I just knew how you and Frye hate owing anyone. But you two getting mad led to us releasing Big Betrayal, so some good came of it.)
Pearl: You sure don’t make things easy on yourself, Big Man.
Interviewer: The battle track between Off the Hook and Fire & Ice was also a surprise!

Pearl: Oh yeah, Suffer No Fools. Frye and Shiver kinda rushed the stage on us, so that was less a collab and more of a callout.
Big Man: Ay… Ay. (Sorry again about these two... But it was cool to watch the sparks fly.)
Marina: Pearl and Frye got pretty heated, but afterwards they both looked like they felt better. And I got a few singing tips from Shiver, which really made my day!
Shiver: You won a fight you didn’t even know you were in…

Big Man: Ay? (You’ve been listening to songs by Inkopolis artists a lot lately, right, Frye?)
Frye: Well, “a lot” is pushing it, but yeah.
Marina: Did you hear the new SashiMori song I linked you the other day?
Frye: Yep. It kills me to say this, but it was pretty dope. You’re talking about Amalgamania, right? It felt like it could’ve come straight outta the Splatlands!
Callie: Amgalamanium! What a cool title!
Marie: That isn’t the title.
Pearl: I caught last week’s Anarchy Splatcast where you had Paul from SashiMori on. Cracked me up. It was so chaotic!
Marie: It feels like Inkopolis and the Splatlands are closer now than they were two years ago. Aesthetically, I mean – not physically.
Shiver: You might be right. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of a back-and-forth between the two.
Frye: Oh yeah, I remember you talking about money flowing into – Shiver? You’re kinda boring holes into me with that stare…
Interviewer: It’s also true that the train line has made it so that more people come and go between towns to enjoy the Splatfests.
Marina: Speaking of Splatfests! Deep Cut!
Shiver: Er, yes? Don’t startle me like that.
Marina: That song you do during Splatfests, Anarchy Rainbow – was I hearing different arrangements for each season?
Frye: Haha, good ears! That was my idea.
Big Man: Ay...ay! (She came to me with that tall order at the last minute...but I did my best!)

Marina: I never would have thought of that. It must have been a lot of work. First, for the Splatoween version, you did the melody in a harmonic minor scale…
Big Man: Ay! Ay… (If we’re throwing around praise, I have to give you props for We’re So Back! The balance between the modal riff with the blue note feel and the chorus with the subdominant minor was so fresh, and on top of that...)
[For space concerns, we have omitted the lengthy music discussion between Marina and Big Man that followed.]
Shiver: What were we talking about again?
Marie: Splatfests, I think? That reminds me, Pearl and Marina. You two stepped away from the Splatfest stage during your world tour. How does it feel to be back?
Pearl: Just like coming home! Singing in Inkopolis Square is where I belong.
Marina: Totally! Whenever I take that stage, it reminds me of all the time I’ve gotten to be with Pearlie…
Big Man: Ay? (Umm, earth to Marina?)
Marina: Eep! Point is, Inkopolis Square is the best.
Frye: “The best”, huh? Like it could ever get on Splatsville’s level!
Pearl: Oh, word? You wanna go again?
Callie: Ooh, yes! Fight! Fight!
Marie: Callie, don’t egg them on.
Shiver: It’s so nice to see them both passionate about their beliefs.
Interviewer: You all get along so well. Do you ever hang out apart from onstage?

Callie: The Deep Cut crew gave us the grand tour of the Splatlands once!
Shiver: I hope you appreciated it. We know where the Splatlands shine better than anyone.
Callie: The natural beauty of Scorch Gorge was breathtaking! And I had so much fun squeezing through the Hagglefish Market crowds. Plus, there are all these super-tall buildings out here! Amazing! It was definitely a tour I’ll never forget.
Marie: I think Callie might cry at the memory of it. But your question reminds me that we haven’t had our usual tea time with Off the Hook in quite a while.
Marina: Yeah, not since our world tour kicked off. And we’ve been busy with some things since we came home. But we do miss you!
Pearl: Marina cranked the Squid Sisters playlist every day while we were on tour.
Marina: Oh, I’ve got an idea! I heard the sweets shop that just opened in Inkopolis Square is really good. We should go sometime.
Frye: We talking about sweets?! Yo, gimme the deets!
Big Man: Ay! (Don’t be so pushy, Frye!)
Pearl: Or I could hire out the confectioner for a private party! You’re invited too, Frye. We’ll settle the score from our last karaoke battle!
Frye: Now you’re talking!
Interviewer: We’ve seen a lot of fans hoping for a collab between all three of your groups.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (That sounds great! I’d be up for that anytime.)
Shiver: Shall I book some time for a special Anarchy Splatcast? Heh heh, imagine what that would do for our ratings…

Callie: Ooh! I just had a brilliant idea!
Marie: One moment, Callie. Drumroll, please...
Callie: We’ll make a song featuring all of us!
Marina: Whaaat?!
Big Man: Aaay?!
Frye: Hey, NOW we’re talking!
Callie: What do you think? Exciting, right?
Marina: It’s SUCH a great idea! SO great. It’s just...
Marie: What is it?
Marina: I have no idea what it would sound like.
Marie: Ahh, because our styles are all so different.
Shiver: Fortunately, we have an expert in that sort of thing. Right, Big Man?
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (I knew I’d get saddled with it! It’s tough enough holding the three of us together, let alone all seven.)
Pearl: Ah, it’ll be fine. You got Marina to help, and she’s a genius!
Marina: I try. Let’s work together and give it our best shot!
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (You mean it? One of you is worth 300 ghostwriters.)
Frye: Well, if we’re doing this, we gotta come up with a group name for the seven of us. How about Seafood Squad?
Callie: I have one! Tricolor All-Stars!
Marina: The star angle is good, but how about Sparkling ☆ Seven Sea Stars?
Pearl: I’m not feeling any of these.

Marie: Well, we all sing Now or Never!, right? So what about The Now or Nevers?
Shiver: That works. Nice one, Marie.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (I think it’s fresh. It conveys the impulse to ink lots of turf and not let the moment pass you by.)
Marina: I still feel like it’s missing something, though.
Frye: Then let’s go all in and be the Extra-Large Seafood Squadron Now or Never Seven!
Callie: Cooooool! I like how it sounds like a superhero team!
Marie: Dibs on the white outfit.
Shiver: Too long! We don’t need the “Extra-Large Seafood Squadron” part!
Pearl: So, just Now or Never Seven? That cool with everyone? Then there we go!
Interviewer: I feel like I just witnessed history in the making! We’re going to have to keep our eyes on all of you going forward. Thanks for your time, everyone!
Shiver: Thank you, and of course... Catch ya later!

Catch the Squid Sisters, Off the Hook and Deep Cut in action in Splatoon 3 and the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass, out now on Nintendo Switch!
This article has been adapted from Nintendo Magazine (Summer 2024 edition), released in Japan.