New Daily Training
Once your DS Brain Age is determined, try your hand at these challenging offerings and see how your results improve over time.
Missing Symbols
It’s a twist on the popular 'Calculations x 20' exercise from the original Brain Training. You need to solve 20 maths problems as fast as you can. But, instead of computing numbers, you will be given the numbers and asked to include the correct symbol (+−×÷ ).
Masterpiece Recital
More Brain Training isn’t all about words and numbers. In this test, the Touch Screen features a piano keyboard. Players must follow a music sheet shown on the other screen and press the corresponding keys on the keyboard.
Word Scramble
A set of letters are scrambled. You need to find the word that can be written with each set of letters. The words you’ll find are uncommon in nature, putting your vocabulary skills to the test, too!
Correct Change
Counting money is simple. But can you do it quickly and accurately? You’re given a price, and you must give the correct change based on the payment given for that price. Figure out the correct change, then count the coins!
Word Blend
Write down what you thought you heard! Several words are being spoken simultaneously. You must write down all words spoken. The DS can repeat the words and give hints, but your score will suffer because of it.
Days and Dates
The DS asks several questions based on the day of the week and the date that is set on your DS. When the DS asks a question like 'the day of the week yesterday,' you need to write down what day yesterday was.
Finishing Position
It’s all about how you finish. In this test, different figures run toward a finish line. Your job will be to determine in which place the main figure finished in the race. How many runners did the figure pass/get passed by?
Determine the Time
Sometimes it’s not so easy to tell what time it is. This challenge shows you various analogue clocks and watches, some are mirrored or rotated (or both). You must write down the correct time shown in hours and minutes.
Calculate the Height
Estimation and memory take centre stage in this challenge. Blocks fall into a pit that is hidden from view. From memory, you must remember the various heights of the blocks, then answer questions correctly.