One of the only superheroes who's just a normal joe totally lacking in superhuman abilities - unless you count his power to squeeze into an impossibly tight lycra suit - Batman is a truly timeless crime-fighting icon.
Sixty-four years after his first flight, the Dark Knight is as fresh as ever in stunning Nintendo GameCube adventure Batman: Dark Tomorrow. Batman: Dark Tomorrow takes as its inspiration not the nudge-wink star of the '60s TV show, nor the highly stylised animated series, but the brooding hero of the masterful DC Comics. Relentless darkness pervades everything here - from the dank, dangerous streets of Gotham City to the cut-scene conversations between Batman and Commissioner Gordon, where doubt and fear bubble beneath the pithy one-liners.
With a storyline penned by DC writer Scott Peterson and Kenji Terada, the man who authored the original Final Fantasy trilogy, Batman: Dark Tomorrow is as irresistible a Batman tale as any comic. What begins as a simple kick-punching quest to bring an end to violent gang warfare develops into a life-or-death mission to retrieve Gordon from the clutches of the Joker. You'll explore vast factories, trudge through rat-infested sewers, and infiltrate Arkham Asylum itself - where seemingly every Batman villain in history is waiting.
While the bulk of the game sees the winged wonder piling his fists and feet into assorted enemies (many of whom, rather unfairly, fight back with great big guns), missions in Batman: Dark Tomorrow can't be completed through goon-smacking alone. Completing missions means studying cut-scenes and scanning discarded newspapers for clues, using the radar to sneak stealthily past (and up on) unsuspecting thugs, and mixing up Batman's repertoire of jumps, somersaults and combos to proper effect.
You'll also get to employ Batman's greatest gadgets. Smoke Capsules blind and damage enemies; the mesmerising curved path of the Batarang is as elegantly deadly as ever; while the Batgrapple and Batcable lend you the power to soar and climb to inaccessible areas in breathtaking style.
Batman: Dark Tomorrow certainly looks and sounds the part. As you soar over the rooftops of Gotham with the Batcable towards a distant Bat-Signal or tiptoe through Gotham Docks in pursuit of Scarface's gang, the visuals are never less than first-class (Bruce Wayne's cape even has its own dedicated animation program). And with your crime-fighting exploits backed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, plus Hollywood-quality voice talent, pursuing the Joker is an immensely immersive experience.
Gotham City needs you. So what are you waiting for - a Bat-Signal?
This description was provided by the publisher.
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